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Offshore Installation Analysis

Our Offshore Installation Analysis service is a holistic approach to de-risking and optimising design concepts and offshore procedures to minimise vessel downtime and maximise operational efficiency.


We review installation procedures and methods prior to commencing analysis. Drawing on our depth of multi-disciplinary experience we advise on potential pinch points or stages where alternative methods may be of benefit. Sensitivity studies to cover a range of options can be incorporated to the scope of work to ensure the optimal solution for all potential scenarios is found.


Utilising advanced techniques we create robust analysis models for the proposed installation procedures. Static snapshots of storyboarded procedure steps, quasi-static models to include dynamic loading effects at critical stages, through to full dynamic simulations of entire procedures are modelled as appropriate. Full system responses are considered, which can include vessel motions due to waves, current and external forces, active heave compensated cranes, variable pay-out / pull-in speeds, asset and ancillary non-linear structural stiffnesses, and complex structural contact interactions.


To further mitigate risk and inform operational choices we can undertake in depth analysis of the local structural response of specific items. This is often used for assets where a manufacturer specified load limit is not available or applicable to the loading scenario, and thus an independent integrity assessment is required.


You can’t control the weather, but you can be prepared with an optimal approach for whatever it may throw at you. We consider all appropriate combinations of environmental loading, including: sea state (Hs – Tp/Tz) and wave direction; current speed and direction; wind speed and direction; and vessel heading with respect to wave, current and fixed assets. This allows optimal strategies to be developed for all eventualities of offshore conditions.


No more long wordy reports with multiple look up tables that need cross referencing to work out if an operation can go ahead. We provide concise reports detailing inputs, methodologies and conclusions, along with clearly presented, interactive go / no-go sea state tables for each operation that account for all required load limits. Outputs can be custom formatted per specific client requirements – we’re here to make your offshore operations more, not less, efficient.


Vessel time is expensive – compute time is cheap. We build our models in a specific manner, with a well defined, automated analysis workflow. We can consider all applicable scenarios to provide the information that allows installers to make the best use of vessel time. Additionally, if a procedure is updated, or the vessel changes, the analysis can be efficiently revised and re-run so that no expensive vessel time is wasted.

RYDER is a global engineering consultancy, offering dependable support for the offshore energy sector.

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